> ModelCVS

Who are we?

Project Partners

Our role as the academic partners (Vienna University of Technology and Johannes Kepler University Linz) of the ModelCVS project is to provide the project with in-depth expert knowledge in the scientific research fields relevant for the proposed project, comprising especially the areas of model engineering, information integration, and semantic technologies. Together with the commercial partner (Arikan Productivity Group) and the demonstrator (Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung), we are responsible for the conceptualisation of ModelCVS and its prototypical realisation.

The Gang

Vienna University of Technology

The Business Informatics Group (BIG) at the TU Wien focuses its teaching and research activities in the areas of data engineering, Web engineering, model engineering, and process engineering. In particular, with respect to the overall project goal, the group has considerable experience in the modeldriven development of applications and the development of service-oriented architectures, focusing on the support of inter-organizational workflows and the integration of open hypermedia systems. One of the many efforts of the group, which will be valuable for the project, is an EU founded IST project in the realm of model-driven development of Web applications, named "Ubiquitous Web Applications (UWA)" (IST-2000-25131). Another important asset the group will be able to incorporate into the project is the, in its third release appeared book on object-oriented modeling with UML 2 ("UML@Work", publisher: dpunkt- Verlag). As one of the few books on the market, parts of the book are dedicated to meta modeling - a research field of the group which has also been accompanied by a series of scientific publications.

Johannes Kepler University Linz

The Information Systems Group (IFS) and the Department of Telecooperation (TK) at the JKU Linz have amongst others strong backgrounds in the areas of integration of heterogeneous systems, database systems and repositories, semantic technologies and collaborative systems. Within this realm and of special interest to the project, the spectrum of work stretches from integration of object-oriented programming languages and XML with relational databases, via the integration of heterogeneous database and security systems, to the integration of heterogeneous tourism information systems as well as on media and model integration. In this context the EU-funded EUMEDIS project "Mediterranean by Internet Access (MEDINA)" (IST B47100/2000/2165-071P314) has to be particularly pointed out, in which heterogeneous tourism information systems of nine Mediterranean countries shall be integrated. Metadata as well as semantic technologies are of key importance in this realm.

Arikan Productivity Group

The commercial partner APG (a partner of Computer Associates) will be responsible to provide a business point of view on the project. APG operates since more than 10 years amongst others in the field of modeling tool development and integration solutions. This will help to prepare the project for further economic exploitation in the industry. It is also in the responsibility of the commercial partner, to coordinate the real-world requirements stemming from the demonstrator, such that these requirements represent also the scope of the general industry.

Austrian Ministry of Defense

The Austrian Ministry of Defense will act as the demonstrator in the project. The demonstrator will provide real-world requirements for our model-based tool integration approach ModelCVS. The partner will not only contribute with his particular requirements but will also enable designing the ModelCVS to address these requirements from a more general perspective, thus enlarging this project to address a more general market.