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MoDisco (for Model Discovery)
MoDisco (for Model Discovery) is an Eclipse GMT component for model-driven reverse engineering.
The objective is to allow practical extractions of models from legacy systems.
Because of the widely different nature and technological heterogeneity of legacy systems,
there are several different ways to extract models from such systems.
MoDisco proposes a generic and extensible metamodel-driven approach to model discovery.
A basic framework and a set of guidelines are provided to the Eclipse contributors to bring their
own solutions to discover models in various kinds of legacy.
Atlas Model Weaver (AMW)
The AMW (ATLAS Model Weaver) is a tool for establishing relationships (i.e., links) between models.
The links are stored in a model, called weaving model.
It is created conforming to a weaving metamodel.
AMW provides a base weaving metamodel enabling to create links between model elements and associations between links.
The metamodel may be extended to add other mapping semantics.
This way there is the possibility of creating variable mapping languages dedicated to specific application requirements.