Mag. Horst Kargl

Horst Kargl studied Business Informatics at Vienna University of Technology and Vienna University from 1998 - 2003. During his study he worked as tutor at the Vienna University at the institute of Database systems and as tutor at the Vienna University of Technology at the institute of Business Informatics Group for the course Modelling Techniques and Methodologies. He wrote his master thesis about visualization techniques for Topic Maps. From 2003 he started his work as project assistant at the Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systems (IFS). I participated in the following projects: TELFI (Telelearning for imprisoned people), TTE@40 (Technological Toolkit for entrepreneurs) @ 40, DynamOnt - development of a methodology for the collaborative development of evolving Ontologies. In 2006 he changed to the Business Informatics Group for the project ModelCVS - Tool integration with Ontologies.
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