Mapping Framework CARMEN
CARMEN stands for CAR Mapping ENvironment. In order to provide a graphical mapping environment for the CAR mapping operators we developed a prototypical implementation of an GMF-based editor, which is able to load two different schemas in UML class diagram notation. When the schemas are loaded, the user can build a graphical mapping model in between. The mapping model consists of the aforementioned CAR mapping operators. In addition, the mapping editor provides the validation of the mapping model that facilitates finding errors in the mappings. This possibility is applicable for situations in that mapping models are subsequently automatically processed as is the case in our approach
Screenshot of Prototype
This work was first presented in:
M. Wimmer, H. Kargl, M. Seidl, M. Strommer, T. Reiter, : Integrating Ontologies with CAR-Mappings, First International Workshop on Semantic Technology Adoption in Business (STAB'07), Wien, 31.05.-01.06.2007.